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The Ultimate Guide to

Doctor Doom

"Marvel Super Villains Leader"

Doctor Doom
First Series
Double barrel pistol and rifle accessories

As the leader of the Marvel Super Villains, Doctor Doom was to play a significant role in the Secret Wars comic series. Unfortunately, the action figure incarnation was much less popular than his comic counterpart. The Doctor Doom figure was to linger on shelves long after most of the other figures had been sold.

However, this was the first time that Victor Von Doom was made into a figure. The sculpting was generally pretty good in faithfully recreating the character that many comic fans grew up knowing as one of the most fearsome villains in all the Marvel Universe. One notable omission is the absence of a cape. Although Doctor Doom is sculpted with a hood, his trademarked cloak is noticeably absent. This omission does detract from the overall presentation of the figure.

The mechanical-looking detail paint on the chest is easily worn off as is the belt buckle. Doctor Doom came with the standard double-barrel blaster pistol used with many of the figures of the Secret Wars line. Interestingly, Doom came with another weapon: a blaster rifle. This rifle was only found with the Doctor Doom figure. Considering the frequency with which the blaster pistol was re-used, it is unusual that the rifle was only used with this one figure. Doom had holes to clip these weapons on his legband and on his back.

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