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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Crimson Strike Viper's Customs


Crimson Strike Viper can be contacted at RedRibb0narmy@aol.com


Cobra pilots:
Crimson Twins Tomax and Xamot (made from Crimson Guard Commanders 90's plus the Crimson Guard Commanders 80's) Crimson Strato Viper: ( made from Bronze Bomber painted red and silver in some areas)


Dusty, Falcon, Tunnel Rat, Hit&Run, Snake Eyes
(All made from Toys R' us Greenshirts with modified heads, all modified heads turn)

Close up Hit&Run

Close up Snake Eyes
(head switch from 97 Snake Eyes but looks good)

Tiger Force Infantry:
Head: Mission Disc Beachead
Torso/arms: Tiger Force LifeLine
Legs/waist: Scoop

Marvel Legends style Red Skull
Head and hands Ml v1 Redskull
Arms and Jacket x2 Movie night crawler
Torso and legs (DDP toybiz?)

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