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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Ghetto Gepetto's Customs


Ghetto Gepetto can be contacted at [email protected]


All customs are painted with Apple Barrel acrylics.


The Enchantress uses a Scarlet Witch base

Black Knight is a animated Avengers Falcon with a
HTLJ Hercules head and modified Mandarin helmet

Hawkeye is a boxed set original X-Men Angel



Machine Man was made using a Silver Surfer base

Moses Magnum uses a Marvel vs Capcom Captain America body with a Goldberg head


Nightshade is a Savage Land X-Men Storm with Gen X White Queen legs

The Vision also was made using Silver Surfer, with a
cape from a Mattel Captain Marvel

White Tiger II is a Lady Deathstrike


modified Latrell Spreewell head
-WWE Shelton Benjamin torso and upper thighs
-ML Magneto lower legs


-ML Sabretooth and sculpey

Rocket Raccoon

-full sculpt head
-Pip the troll torso and upper arms
-SMC1 Daredevil gloves
-Halloween Jack upper legs
-Silver Surfer insectoid alien lower legs


-modified He-Man head
-X-Men Evolution martial arts Wolverine torso and upper thighs
-X-Men movie Wolverine lower legs


-ML Electra body
-Savage She-Dragon head and legs below knee


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