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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

The Hipster Doofus' Customs


The Hipster Doofus can be contacted at [email protected]

Kia Asimiya Angel
 I used Spawn Redeemer wings, a Warlands Prince Aalok body, legs, and belt, a Fist of the Northstar figure (I can't remember who) for the arms, and Stikfas accessories for the belt pouches.

Citizen Pain

Job is a Steven Richards RTC WWF figure with a WCW Sting jacket, cut to waist length, sculpey mask, and Madman handguns.


In a straight borrow from DoubleDealer's Stormshadow recipe, an Ultimate Muscle Ramenman with Kevin mask arms, Movie Daredevil head w/ putty. The sword is made from Stikfas scraps and credit card plastic. The uzi comes from a Matrix the movie Morpheus figure, and the straps are rubberbands.


The Ray

the second version of the Ray is an Ultimate Muscle Ramenman with another Ult. Muscle figure arms, and a Mattel Batman head with a putty fin and a sculpey collar.

Backlash is a ML Nick Fury with miliput mask, hot glue "energy" and a figure packaging twist-tie for the whip. (Pic with a WildCATS Grifter)

Echo (From David Mack's Daredevil) is a ML Elektra with miliput hair and X2 Super-poseable Wolverine shins. Gun is from an Evangelion figure, feathers are toothpaste tube.

Kevin Lau's Xin is made from an X2 Wolverine head, Ultimate muscle Jaeger upper body, and legs from a Chronicles of Riddick figure. Details are miliput, rubber bands, and toothpaste tube.

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