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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

HypeCyclops' Customs


HypeCyclops can be contacted at [email protected]


Deathstroke The Terminator - Crafted from Ultimate Spider-Man using DC Direct's Deathstroke from the Teen Titans line as a reference. Belt comes from Bullseye, gun comes from Bishop.

The Toad - Crafted from Bullseye using Iron Man's hair. Belt from New Wolverine.

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - Dr. Octopus formed the basis of this one, with Maskless Spider-Man's hair, Sharpie'd in eyepatch, and a cigar cut from the frame of an old-school TMNT weapons rack. Belt from New Wolverine (I ended up with alot of him, as you may guess). Gun from Toy Biz's Metal Mutants Bishop.

Hellboy again! This time with a brand new head and more detail drawn into the chest and jacket. Recipe is exactly the same as before, just with a different expression painted onto the face.

- He was created from a Spider-Man Minimate with the satellite dish from X-Men Evolution's Wolverine (Toy Biz) - rather, from his Danger Room robot accessory... thing.
Stinkoman - Strong Bad's Japanese Cartoon counterpart was made from Mr. Fantastic (blue hair too! Looks pretty nice!) with generic hands rather than his big gloves.
Darkshade - An original character I created using Iron Man's body and Mr. Fantastic's gloves (yup, that's where they went)
Metal Man - Aha! Not a Minimate! This classic bad guy from Mega Man 2 was made from a Jazwares Proto Man (first edition), using missiles from Cyclops's accessory cannon from Toy Biz's X2: X-Men United line for the bead on the chest and the tips on either side of his head. The sawblades on his forehead and shoulders were cut and painted from cardboard.
Metal Man vs. Mega Man - Mega Man is not customized in any way, before you say that my custom looks exactly like Jazware's Mega Man. He is Jazware's Mega Man. Without any modifications. I just wanted to show Metal Man in action, to display the fact that his articulation still works.

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