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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Joshuas' Customs


Joshua can be contacted at [email protected]  


Annie Oakley

The finest sharp shooting woman in the old west, Annie Oakley is a force to be reckoned with. She could shoot out the center of a buffalo nickel from 100 yards away while looking in a mirror and shooting backwards over her shoulder! The Annie Oakley figure was created from a Toy Biz X-Men Movie 01 Jean Grey head and Toy Biz Lord of the Rings Eowyn hair. Her torso is from a Diamond Select/Moore Creations Willow figure, her skirt is from an Accoutrement's Annie Oakley figure and her legs and boots are from a Toy Biz Lord of the Rings King of the Undead. Her gun was from the NECA "Christmas Story" Ralphie figure.

Paul Bunyan and babe the Blue Ox

The legendary lumberjack who was ten times larger than the tallest man and his massive blue ox have been brought to life in 3-Dimensions for this newest wave of LXG figures. Paul Bunyan began life as a Mezco Gangsters, Inc. O'Brien figure. His face is from a 12" Hasbro G.I. Joe figure with Kneadatite hair and beard. The sculptural details arte crafted from vinyl and Magic Sculpt. Paul Bunyan's best pal Babe the Blue Ox is a digital custom using a large plastic bull toy that had been colored blue in Adobe Photoshop.


Rita Farr - Elasti-Girl

As the only female member of the Doom Patrol, and as an ex movie star, Rita Farr gained amazing macro and micro growth powers after being exposed to some type of jungle fumes. Fusing a DC Direct Saturn Girl head, skirt and legs with a Diamond Select/Moore Creations Willow figure's torso and arms created the 6" DCD styled Elasti-Girl. She has a belt and buckle made out of vinyl and a base to allow her to stand.

The Chief

Heralded as one of the smartest men on the world - The Chief - the Doom Patrol's enigmatic leader is a mystery to all who know him. He was instrumental in bringing the Doom Patrol together and keeps his trip of heroes on their toes with globe spanning adventures! The Chief started life as a Toy Biz X-Men Movie 01 Professor X figure. He has been slightly modified with a Kneadatite beard and hair.


Larry Trainor - Negative Man and N-Man

Larry Trainor was an ace test pilot that was granted extraordinary powers that allowed him to shoot forth a being of pure, raw energy from his body and control it with his mind. The only drawback to this amazing ability is that the "negative" man can be separated from Larry's body for only 60 seconds. Negative Man was created from a DC Direct Power Ring with a Plan-B Rex Gannon head. His bandages were papier-mâché. N-Man was also a DC Direct Power Ring with a DC Direct modern Hourman head.

Cliff Steele — Robotman

The solitary and surly Robotman — a human racecar driver's brain in a massive body of metal — is ready to leap into action to help his Doom Patrol teammates. He has the mind and soul of a man, but the cold hard body of a machine — this makes Cliff sometimes not too much of a conversationalist to be around. Robotman was created out of a Toy Vault Astro City Samaritan arms, torso and head and a DC Direct Superfriends Superman legs. Magic Sculpt was used to create his head detail, and vinyl was used to build his shoulders. The final touch was some pushpins for His 'ear' nodules and a small piece of wire for the back of his head.

Black Cat
Black Cat is a figure that has been created - though unsuccesfully - in both the 6" and 7" scale. I never liked those, so I made my own. She is a Toynami Thundarr the Barbarian Princess Ariel body, the Toy Biz Black Cat hands, hair and collar and the Marvel Select Black Cat face.

Human Torch
More of a modification than a true custom. I removed the opaque flame detail from the original Toy Biz Marvel Legends Human Torch and replaced it with the
transparent flame detailing from the Toy Biz movie Human Torch figure. I then added a Toy Biz clear stand to allow him to pose in flying positions.

Although there are a host of Zorro figures, none of them were good enough - so I made a new one. From the top down he is made of — A Kenner Mask hat heavily
modified with Magic Sculpt, a DC Direct Power Ring head with a sculpted mask and moustache, a Playmates Zorro collar, gloves and boot cuffs, a Toy Vault Astor
City Confessor body and a Toy Biz X-Men movie 2 Magneto legs. His sash comes from a DC Direct Promethea. There you go.

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