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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Lord Cable's Customs


Lord Cable can be contacted at [email protected]


the Doctor, The Authority

Chip Hazard, from the movie Small Soldiers

Ml Batroc The Leaper

ML Jigsaw


Nick Nitro, from the movie Small Soldiers

ML Soldier X( Cable)

Swift, The Authority

Midnighter from The Authority

Apollo, from The Authority

Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority

Small Soldiers Brick Bazooka

I used a Hulk Classics Savage Hulk Torso and Legs, Smart Hulk boots and arms, and ML Juggernaut head









Snake Plisken v2

Iceman with hair

I used a ML8 Iceman with X-Men Evolution Cyclops hair

The Wrecker

For this figure, I used a Marvel Legends Punisher with an Ultimate Captain
America head

1 2 3 4

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