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Megan from Excaliber

again the head is a "sculpt,mould,castout in fast cast job" the body is a charmed figure (dont remember which one) with the waist Dremmel'd down & made good with milliput, the legs are from a Shi action figure not Shi her self the other one in white (dont remember her name either...early Alzheimer's) these are great, ball hips & double knee joint, I cut them of at the shins & glued on the original Charmed girls bare feet, cut off the sandals & made good, primed & painted.....



This one I used the light up eyes Spidey "s,m,c" on the head, the hands & feet were made in milliput as was the shoulder flares, I then filler primer'd the body (about 3 coats) this when sanded back fills the spider web pattern. The tail was a thin piece of armature wire cut to length one end was put in a drill, I then looped sand paper around it & spun the drill applying more pressure to one end when the taper was right I put the thin end on a brick & flattened it with a hammer cut the pointy devil tip with pliers, drilled a hole in his but & glued in place.



She hulk

The "first appearance She hulk" was believe it or not ...a spider man fig, cant remember which one kinda cartoony lookin with both fists clenched, the hips were cut down the middle & widened leaving the waist its original size, milliput was used to sculpt the boobs, thighs, cloths etc.. the feet were a random find from my bits box???
the arms were"Sotas"Lara Croft arms with milliput modifications to make them fit Spidys ball socket shoulders the head was again a"sculpt,mould & cast out in fast cast job" but the back of the hair was a female wrestling fig to retain flexibility on the head turn.





I was kinda pleased with this one but alas Marvel Select has done one that kicks its ass oh well,
This one is pretty simple really, its a Street Fighter "Bison", the head was replaced with a"sculpt,mould & cast out job",the cape & shoulder pads was removed & the skirt modified with the careful use of a scalpel, trim was added & a plastic belt was made cut from the lid of a tube of Pringles, the rest is good old milliput & paint. The base is a sculpt in wet clay incorporating Marvel Legends stuff (Iron mans mask,Thors hammer etc..) moulded & cast out in fast cast (the stuff was then returned to there rightful owners)




her head is Bethany Bled from Mc F, the body is "the boobs out" Dawn, the arms donated by one of the Charmed girls & the legs are from Shi action fig, the loin cloth is sculpted & then moulded in plaster & cast out in laytex with a small amount of red acrylic in it to dye it.

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