"Shazam! Damage Superman"
Used Sculpey to mess up the hair and a dremmel
to mess up the "S." |

"Orion Unmasked"
Used a Mattel Lex Luthor head. Sculpey
was used to smooth out the jaw and
forehead, and then to add eyebrows and hair.

"Middle Ages Jason Blood"
Used a Mattel Lex Luthor head. Sculpey was used
to smooth out the jaw
and forehead, and then to add eyebrows and hair.
The arms come from some old BTAS Batman figure,
and the body is Shining Knight's.

"Backview of Jason Blood"

"Undercover Plastique and Colonel Flagg"
Plastique is a Hawkgirl body with a
J.Lord WW head. Colonel Flagg is a redone Waverider
head and MirrorMaster body.

"Plastique and Flagg profile"

The Plastique and Flagg were made so
they could double as Watchtower employees that
disrespect poor Booster every chance they get.

"Can't get anything past YOU!"

"Everywhere Man"
Yup, from THE BATMAN, and a really cool
character I wanted to bring into the
Timmverse. Amazo was used for Everywhere Man. |

For a really good friend of mine, I made a custom
backing and three custom figures from one of my
favorite ongoing comic series. The base came from
the "Rebel Pilots" pack from years ago.

Luke Skywalker Ghost
I used a mail-order Ghost Obi-Wan body,
a ROTS Obi-Wan right arm, and a Bespin Luke head
(no ROTJ Lukes lying around!). Primed white, watered
down acrylics to paint the colors, and frosted figure
with blue and white spray paint. |

Legacy Stormtrooper
Only the eyes and mouth piece had to be modified.

Cade Skywalker
I used ANH Ceremony Luke torso, an older ANH Luke
head, Dagobah Luke arms and legs. Painted 5:00 shadow
and redid the hair and eye. This Cade custom is
based on his appearance in LEGACY #3, after he spoke
to Luke. |

"Buster and Hydra"
Hydra and Buster are 1/2 the size of their Japanese/American
counterparts, and 1/4 of the quality. However,
when saw the two miscolored, poor-quality Darkwing
Brothers on Ebay for only $15, I opted to purchase
and paint, rather than look for the authentic
toys. I primered the brothers and then painted
details (stickers compliments of reprolabels.com).

"Buster and Hydra in Jet Mode"

Lightfoot is a Chinese KO, multi-colored
model I had to assemble. One of my favorites in
the Masterforce 'toon.

"Lightfoot in Car Mode"
The Powermaster even transforms (small!)

"The Preserver"
Casimir's Preserver inspired me to do
the same thing...except I opted to go a step further
and paint him red. I challenge all customizers
to go beyond Cas and myself and use the dremmel
and sculpey on the base...then it'd be perfect.
THe base is a 6" Ben Ten action figure (he's