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GI Joe: Make Your Own Hero!

Created by Alyosha ([email protected]).



head- Beach-Head
arms-Stalker (repaint)
chest- Beach-Head
waist- Beach-Head
thighs- Beach-Head
lower legs- Beach-Head/Tunnel Rat
backpack- Recoil
rifle- Sand Viper


head- Blackout (sculpted hair & glasses)
chest- Dart (modded)
arms- Grunt (modded)
hands- Zartan (modded)
waist- Shipwreck (modded w/ Chap Mei skull)
legs- Shipwreck
chainsaw- Zartan (modded)
pistol- various Joes (modded)


head- cast of Undertow (modded to fit)
helmet- Sgt. Airborne
chest- Ripper (modified & lengthened)
body armor- Sgt. Airborne
arms- Dart
waist- Overkill
gunbelt- Overkill
thighs- Overkill
feet- Zartan

Capt. Falcon

beret- Stalker
head- Recondo
chest- Tunnel Rat
upper arms- Wild Bill
lower arms- Dusty
hands- Tunnel Rat waist/legs- Roadblock
kneepads- Gung Ho
belt- Burnout
shotgun- '87 Falcon
pistol-Chap Mei casting
backpack-'97 Lady Jaye


head- Flint
chest- Dusty
1st aid pouch- BBI
grenade- Grunt
bandolier straps/shotgunshells- sheet and round styrene stock
arms- Flint
waist- Recondo
thighs- Stalker
feet- Dart
backpack- Dart
shotgun- BBI

Hit & Run

head- Hacker (heavily modified)
chest- Hacker
waist- Hacker
upper arms- Crosshair
lower arms- Flint (modified)
legs- Dart
rifle- Dukes' M-4
hook- Hacker
tactical vest- Crosshair
knife- Dart
mic- Wire w/ putty end


head- VvV Viper (modded)
chest- CLAWS Commander
upper arms- JvC Wild Bill
lower arms- JvCTunnel Rat
hands- Grunt
waist/waistcoat- CLAWS Commander
thighs- JvC Tunnel Rat
feet- CLAWS Commander
Skorpion pistol- VvV Alley Viper


head- Chief Torpedo (sculpted goggles and turtleneck)
chest- Barrel Roll (sculpted padding)
arms- Barrel Roll
waist- Duke
thighs- Firefly (v1)
feet- Duke
grenades- Big Ben
rifle- Lanard PSG-1
backpack- Zartan (slightly modded)


head- Wild Bill (sculpted hair & beard)
chest- Stalker (modded)
grenades & strap- Chap Mei/strip styrene
upper arms- Ripper
lower arms- Gung Ho (elbow)/Tunnel Rat (gloves)
waist- Ripper (slightly modded)
upper legs- Ripper (slightly modded)
lower legs- Ripper (heavily modded)
grenade launcher- Headman
uzi- various Joe figures

Night Vulture

head- Chap Mei Police Force (modded)
chest- Leatherneck
upper arms- Recondo
lower arms- Stalker
waist- Hacker
thighs- Coils Crusher
feet- Torpedo (filled in knee area w/ Milliput)
crossbow- Scarlett (removed sound tab)

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