GI Joe: Make Your Own Hero!
Created by Alyosha ([email protected]).
Outback head- Spin Doctor's Hollowpoint/Hi Tech hybrid
chest- Grunt (modded)
upper arms- Tunnel Rat (modded)
forearms- Shipwreck (modded)
waist- Dart
thighs- Dart
feet- Dart
backpack- Big Ben
rifle- H&K G36 modified (multiple figures)
knife- multiple figures
Rock & Roll head- Hollowpoint
chest- Hollowpoint
upper arms/elbows- Dart (modded)
lower arms- Grunt (modded)
waist- Recondo
thighs- Grunt (modded)
feet- Grunt
backpack- RAH Barricade
ammo belt- 1/6th scale GI Joe Lewis gun
mini gun- Roadblock
ammo cannister- custom sculpt
Shockwave hat- Gung Ho
head- Beachhead (modded)
chest- Roadblock
arms- Destro (modded)
gunbelt- Blackout
waist- Tunnel Rat (modded)
thighs- Recondo (modded)
feet- Dart
tactical vest- Gung Ho
pistol- Grunt
M-4 tactical rifle- Grunt
Snake Eyes head- Snake Eyes (modified)
chest- Destro (modified)
arms- Destro (modified)
waist- Firefly (modified)
legs- Blackout (modified)
tactical vest- Gung Ho (modified)
kneepads- Gung Ho
MP-5PDW- Lanard
sword- Witchblade figure
pistol- Grunt
pouches- BBI & Target NYPD Finest
grenades- BBI
knife- Crosshairs web-belt
Snow Job hat- Recondo
head- Ripper (modded)
chest- Frostbite
upper arms- Frostbite
lower arms- Hacker (modded)
waist- Blackout (modded, added horizontal o-ring for heighth)
thighs- Stalker
feet- Frostbite
rifle- Widescope
flare gun- Stalker
backpack/skis/poles- Frostbite
Spirit Iron Knife hair- Pesodent Baroness
head- Dart
chest- Destro (modded)
upper arms- Destro
lower arms- Dart
waist- Unknown Remco (modded)
thighs- Barrel Roll
lower legs- Dart (modded)
knife handle- various Joes
knife blade- Scalpel
holster & pouches- BBI, America's Finest SWAT, Grunt
Timber Resin cast of Lanard (?) wolf
Torch head- Ripper (heavily modded)
chest- Zartan (modded)
arms- Grunt
waist- Dart
thighs- Dart (modded)
feet- Dr. Mindbender (modded)
knife- Dart
Uzi- various Joes
Oxy-Acetylene Torch b-pack- Chap Mei
Zandar head- Gung Ho (JvC heavily modded)
chest- Grunt (heavily modded)
upper arms- Gung Ho (ST modded)
lower arms- Grunt (modded)
waist- Shipwreck (JvC)
thighs- Gung Ho (BTR modded)
kneepads- Wild Bill
feet- Stalker (JvC modded)
sheathe- Swamp Rat (modded)
knives- Swamp Rat
Zartan cowl- Funskool Zartan (modded)
head- JvC Zartan
chest- Destro (modded)
arms- Destro (slightly modded)
waist- JvC Zartan
thighs- JvC Zartan
thighpads- Funskool Zartan (modded)
feet- Flint (modded)
Skorpion assault pistols- Alley Viper II
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