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In a move that fans never thought would happen, Marvel and DC have joined forces to create the ultimate 5-part miniseries: Justice League Unlimited versus The Avengers!!! And even more surprising is that Marvel gave Mattel the go-ahead to produce Avengers figures in the JLU scale! Much like the diverse membership of the JLU depicted in the cartoon, the producers decided to include a wide range of heroes in the animated Avengers lineup, even some characters who never were members in the comic books.

"We have a great opportunity here," said one representative, "and we want to give as much to the fans as we can." This begs the question: will other heroes who were featured heavily in the miniseries (such as Thor and the Scarlet Witch) be produced? "Wait and see!" the representative grinned. The first line of figures will consist of three waves, each wave including three Avengers and, as an added bonus, a new JLU member! Will we finally get that Question figure that we've all hoped for? Only time will tell.

Wave 1: Starfox, Captain Atom, Captain America, Luke Cage/Power Man


Captain Atom

Captain America

Captain America

Luke Cage

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