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Avengers Unlimited Series I

Created by Stephen Andrade ([email protected]).


Starfox was made from an Elongated Man figure with sculpted hair and wristbands. The collar, flared shoulders, and emblem were made with vinyl.

Captain Atom was made from a Waverider with a sculpted crewcut. I painted the body a flat blue-gray, then brushed a thin layer of iridescent white over it to give in the shiny look. Lots of people have done this recipe, but I believe credit goes to Casimir of Inanimate Objects for being the first.

Captain America was a Frankenstein project-body from an Amazo, lower legs from a Flash, and the head is a Green Lantern with the nose, mouth and jaw sliced off and replaced with the lower face from a Superman. The seam is right along the mask line, so it blends pretty well. The gloves, boot cuffs, and mask wings are sculpted, the belt is vinyl and plastic, and the shield was donated by a Super Hero Showdown Capt. America.

Luke Cage was a Green Lantern head (of course) put on an Atom Smasher body. The afro, headband, wristbands and boot cuffs were sculpted. The chain came from the straitjacket that came with the Batman/Two Face 2 pack, and the collar was cut from an Undercover Bruce Wayne Jacket. 1970's Blacksploitation superheroes rule!

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