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Buffy the Vampire Slayer *Sacrifice* Line

Created by Sasha.
Web site: http://msbig.sashapowell.co.uk/


All made March 2007.

Thanks to McFarlane, Moore Action Collectibles and Diamond Select Toys for the parts.

Spellbound-Sacrificial-Lamb Buffy

I used a Lost beach stand and added sculpey to form a rock pool. I also made a hole to support a candlestick.

I painted the inside of the pool in mottled brown and grey. I dyed some Scenic Water brown and half filled the pool. I dropped in the lower arms, added some pool scum and let the gel set hard.

I used a Primeval Buffy head, Princess Cordy body and Wish Cordy legs. I sculpted the legs to the rocks. I added more chunky heels and sculpted her skirt.

I made the top of the body in a separate piece, so that I could paint it before gluing it down. I sculpted her smooth back and her hair tied up in loose curls. I sculpted the bodice to the dress. I made the top few folds of skirt to fit over her hips and join the bodice sculpt to the legs.

I was able to rest the torso on top of the hard brown gel to make sure that Buffy's face was at the optimum level, so it would eventually be under water but with her features still visible. I also wanted to line up the top of her pony tail, so that it floated on the water surface.

I painted Buffy's face because it would still show under the water surface. I used gold highlights on her hair. I painted the bodice of her dress in white satin and the skirt and shoes in cream. I painted the bite marks and blood on the right of her neck.

I glued down the torso then added clear Scenic Water to fill the pool. When that was dry, I used glue to add scum and bubbles to the rock pool.

When the gel and glue had set, I added some more clear Scenic Water to overflow the pool, splash onto Buffy's hair, skin and dress, and surround the glue scum. I wanted an uneven surface to give the illusion of ripples from her fall. I added a few drops of red dye to the water near her neck wound.

Portal-Closing-Sacrifice Angel

I sawed the Acathla statue in half and glued the bottom half to a stand, then painted it all in grey. I drilled a hole in the wall of the stand and put in two screws. I mounted the Lumin Disk on the wall, with the bottom resting on Acathla.

The Lumin Disk has a glass top and the instructions say that you can touch the disk to attract the plasma lightening bolts. I assumed that meant that the surface didn't get hot and it was safe to glue things onto it. I dyed some Scenic Water in several shades of orange and dark brown. I then cut it up into chunks of gel and glued it all over the disk. (**See warning note below)

I used a Graduation Day Angel figure with Wesley legs. I sanded down Angel's trousers, then sculpted the tighter fitting leather jeans. I drilled a hole in the torso to hold the sword, then sculpted his shirt and belt.

I painted Angel with a bewildered expression. I painted the leather jeans and black silk shirt, with a little blood beneath the stab wound. You can see a short video of the flashing lights on my website, at the bottom of this page: http://msbig.sashapowell.co.uk/mbmainprogacathla.htm.

Darla's-Champion-Sacrifice Angel

I used a Graduation Day Angel figure. I did not alter the structure of the figure or doing any sculpting. This is purely a repaint.

I improved the hairline and facial likeness. I softened the look of the tattoo. I painted burn marks across his body from where he fell over onto the floor of crosses.

I made the font out of several accessories and filled it with Scenic Water.

Portal-Closing-Sacrifice Buffy

I used a Buffy head with a Dark Witch Willow body. I wanted to use a single body with tight-fitting joints to give support to the figure. That way there would be no risk of the limbs breaking off, despite the delicate pose.

I swapped the arms and hands over to get them into an anatomically correct position. I sanded down the coat and sculpted her throat, forearms and jumper. I made her trousers more flared and altered her feet to be pointed. I sculpted her hair flowing up and back from her leap. I drilled a hole in her thigh for the supporting rod.

The Lumin Disk has a glass top and the instructions say that you can touch the disk to attract the plasma lightening bolts. I assumed that meant that the surface didn't get hot and it was safe to glue things onto it. (**See warning note below)

I built up a small base of clear plastic, drilled a hole into it and attached a support bar. I then glued the base to the middle of the Lumin Disk. I cut up some Scenic Water into chunks of gel and glued it all over the disk.

I made a black plastic cover to hide the base of the Lumin Disk. I added some pink and light blue paint to the gel, so that it would still look interesting with the lights off. When the lights are turned on, you can't really see the paint.

I painted Buffy's face looking determined. I used gold highlights in her hair.

** Warning. I did find that the gel amplified the current of the Lumin Disks slightly, so touching the gel or support bar while the lights were on sometimes gave me a pinch, similar to static. Not really painful but not pleasant. Needless to say, I'm now avoiding touching these customs when the lights are on, although the figures or plastic stands don't seem to conduct the current.

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