Green Lantern Corps: Series 3
The Green Lantern Corps were created by the Guardians of the Universe as a police force to protect the universe. The Guardians divided the universe into 3600 sectors with two Green Lanterns protecting each sector. With their power rings, the Green Lantern Corps is a force to be reckoned with. The Green Lantern Corps: Series 3 is being produced to accompany the new Green Lantern Corps comic book series and the animated series. The third series of action figures consists of six Green Lanterns from across the universe.
Breda is the Green Lantern from the planet Pryne in Sector 1863.2.
Ha�ji Cam�l is the Green Lantern from the planet Camelus in Sector 106.1.
Talbot is the Green Lantern from the planet Lupus in Sector 333.1.
Reaumur de Pretorius is the Green Lantern from the planet Euler in Sector 3145.1.
Sinestro is the Green Lantern from the planet from Korugur in Sector 1417.1.
T9??' is the Green Lantern from the planet Oudh in Sector 3599.2.
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