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Green Lantern Corps: Series 3

Created by Jeffrey T. Zverloff ([email protected]).


Breda is the Green Lantern from the planet Pryne in Sector 1863.2. He was made from a Tomar Re Green Lantern body with a head swap a Star Wars Jedi Knight Kit Fisto figure.

Ha�ji Cam�l is the Green Lantern from the planet Camelus in Sector 106.1. He was made from a John Stewart Green Lantern figure and a head swap with a Star Wars Yak Face figure. I shaved off the hair on his ears and his beard. I filled in a few nicks with putty and then sanded the area before I painted it.

Talbot is the Green Lantern from the planet Lupus in Sector 333.1. He was made with a first generation John Stewart body with a head swap from a Star Wars Cantina figure.

Reaumur de Pretorius is the Green Lantern from the planet Euler in Sector 3145.1. He was made from a Green Lantern Kilawog figure with a head and neck swap with a Star Wars Jedi figure.

Sinestro is the Green Lantern from the planet from Korugur in Sector 1417.1. He was made from a Green Lantern Arkis Chummuck figure with a Sinestro head from a Sinestro figure. I painted his neck to match the uniform.

T9??' is the Green Lantern from the planet Oudh in Sector 3599.2. He was made from a John Stewart Green Lantern body. With a head from a Ben Ten figure. I had to make a neck from some styrene and body putty. The hands are from a Star Wars Ambassador figure. I cut off the figure�s hands and drilled out the wrists for the new hands. The hands now rotate. I made the power ring from body putty.

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