Charlton Minimates
New from SSPig Productions! The company's deal with Art Asylum and DC Direct have led to... after all these years... Charlton comics figures! Not figures... but MiniMates!
Series 1 of two packs consists of:
Blue Beetle I (Dan Garret) and BB II (Ted Kord)
The Question (Vic Sage) and Cap. Atom (second costume)
Judomaster I (Rip Jagger) and Peter Cannon... Thunderbolt (First costume)
VARIANT: Judomaster I (Rip Jagger) and Steve Ditko's Killjoy
The two Blue Beetles captured in Minimate form!
Fans may recognize the Ted Kord Minimate from series 2 of the original DC MiniMates, but the Dan Garret is brand new!
Two fan favorite Charlton characters captured in Minimate form! Captain Atom's MiniMate debut starts here!
The choices may be getting obscure, but the MiniMates are still awesome!
Rip Jagger is close to... Mick Jagger? Peter Cannon is in his glorious 60's shorts!
You can now have that Robin/Peter Cannon team up you've always dreamed of.
Killjoy has finally arrived!
It's the figure you've wanted since the days of Mego, when he was first introduced!
The character who influenced the creation of Peter Cannon is now a Minimate! Yay!
A series 2 was announced, but no news has surfaced yet.
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