Charlton Minimates
Created by Super Spider Piggy ([email protected]).
Peter Cannon is a Sentry head on a blank black body. The mask is a print out. The red arm belongs to Daredevil, and the black one belongs to Punisher. The half red side of the body is paint, and the top of the legs are Sharpie.
Killjoy is a random MiniMate Painted red. The mask was drawn on paper, cut out, and glued on.
Judomaster is a Red Sharpied Ryu head with a dot of Yellow paint. The hair is a twisted piece of paper. His chest is a Red Akuma with a print out over the chest. The belt is a repainted Street Fighter belt. The legs are Colossus with the silver, painted Red.
Blue Beetle I is a Minimate body painted blue, Robin gloves painted red, and a Bruce Wayne head with painted goggles. The fin at the top of his head is Play-Doh.
Blue Beetle II is an official Minimate, as stated above.
Cap Atom is a blue MiniMate body with Colossus arms, except the red parts are painted silver. His head is an Astonishing X-Men Wolverine head with Dr.Fate hair .He has Juggernaut legs with a paper belt.
Question is a David Palmer body with with flesh colored hands, a Rocky hat. And a face flipped backwards.
All MiniMates made by Super Spider Piggy.
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