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Marvel's The Good the Bad and the Ugly


Machine Man:

Team affiliations

Secret Avengers
West Coast Avengers
Heavy Metal

Notable aliases

Aaron Stack, Mister Machine, X-51


Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, and accuracy
Telescoping arms and legs
Flight by usage of anti-gravity disks
Various installed weapons



The Hood:

Alter ego

Parker Robbins


Utilizes magical cloak and boots for air walking, invisibility, and electrical bursts. Demon transformation


Purple Man:

Alter ego

Zebediah Killgrave


Human Mutant or Human Mutate


Mind control
Regenerative Healing factor
Highly intelligent
Skilled manipulator



Alter ego

Bram Velsing

Team affiliations

Frightful Four


Dreadknight wears a steel alloy body armor that he designed, and his mask was micro-surgically attached to his face by Doctor Doom and cannot be removed. Dreadknight also designed his power-lance, which projects electromagnetic force beams, fires electrified steel cable bolas, and launches miniature "penetro-shell" explosive missiles



Alter ego

Todd Arliss

Team affiliations

Masters of Evil
Deep Six

Notable aliases

Arlys Tigershark


Superhuman strength, durability and senses; accelerated swimming speed



Alter ego

Isaac Christians

Team affiliations

The Six-Fingered Hand


Superhuman strength and physical resistance
Biomystical energy manipulation

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