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Marvel's The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Created by Jake Schroeder (jakey-jake) ([email protected]).



Machine Man:


Head/torso/legs-SMC Ultimate Doc Ock, Arms/coat-ML Ultimate Nick Fury, Random accessories.



The Hood:


Head-Movie Blackheart, Upper torso-ML Xorn with sculpted shirt, Legs-LCBH Savage Dragon, Boots-Anime fig.


Purple Man:


Head-ML Sentry, Body-Movie Masters Joke with re-sculpted neck




Head-Modified ML Xorn with ML Beta Ray Bill feathers, Cape-ML3 Magneto, Torso/arms/legs-SMC Hobgoblin, Gloves/Feet-ML1 Captain America, Lance-odds & ends




Head-XMC Ultimate Sabertooth, Torso/arms/legs-re-sculpted ML 2 pack Sabertooth, Feet-ML Captain Britain, Hands-SMC Scorpion.




Poseable Wings-Spawn Figure, Feet-ML13 Blackheart, Everything else-completely resculpted DCUC Etrigan

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