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Planet Hulk MiniMates

"This is it, citizens, slaves and oligarchs! Prepare yourselves for the main event: The Green Scar fights the Silver Savage!"

Right off the cover of Planet Hulk #95 here are your favorite two-inchers! Excuse me. This time, size does matter. Here are a regular 2" Silver Savage and a smashing 2.5" Green Scar MiniMates 2-Pack with a massive equipment overload!

Greg Pak's storyline from 2007 sent the Hulk on an alien planet, becoming a slave in the first place and later on a conquering emperor. In-between he fights as a gladiator in a Roman-like arena against space creatures and finally the Silver Surfer. Maybe the most remembered scene and for sure one of the whole story's visual highlights. Some people called it the best Hulk storyline in years, so a minimaterized version of these main characters just had to be done. Here you go.

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