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Planet Hulk MiniMates

Created by Bob Harris ([email protected]).
Web site: http://www.minimatemultiverse.com/index.php?showtopic=5399


Silver Savage aka Silver Surfer:

The Savage is based on the wave 7 Silver Surfer Minimate. His shoulder pad is Milliput and so is the spiked mace. For the latter I also used toothpicks for the staff as well as for the spikes. The scabbard on his back is from Minimate Taskmaster and clued to his back. I didn't use the original sword since I needed a massive hilt so I took the one belonging to DCD's Ares. The handle bar on his board is made out of duct-tape and rubber band. I used a sheet of plastic from a folder for his loincloth. and just attached it with a Minimate belt.

Green Scar aka Hulk:

Green Scar is based on DCD's 2.5" Ares Minimate. I cut off the little horns and the parts that would cover his face from the helmet. I also cut the tunic to make it look more like a gladiator's tunic with leather stripes. I attached the shoulder pad on what fromerly was Ares' cape. The shoulder pad itself and the spikes on the helmet are Milliput. I used decals for his face and chest parts.

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