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"WHAT BENDY UNLEASHED?" or "ON A BENDER" (I just couldn't decide -- if you're a Stan Lee fan, go with the former; if you prefer Jay Ward, the latter. See, you *can* make everyone happy....) I SING THE BENDY ELECTRIC... When I was a kid (oh geeze, he's reminiscing again....), one of my favorite toys was a 5" Captain America figure with which I just couldn't get enough play time. This thing not only looked *just* like ol' Cap, but had an Adamantium/Vibranium shield to boot! (Well, was plastic. Do you spend all your time ruining kids' fantasies, huh? Do you?) Man, I loved this figure. And one of the things that made it great was how poseable it was. Forget about nine points, or thirteen points, or even *sixteen* points of articulation. This thing had an INFINITE number of articulation points. Impossible, you say? Nah. Y'see, it wasn't a hard plastic figure such as those that overrun the shelves at toy stores today. It was a BENDY. Now, I'm not gonna wash my mouth out with soap for uttering that word. Cover your kids' ears, if you must, but I'll say it again: Bendy. Bendy, Bendy, Bendy! (I feel like I'm coming out of the closet or something; the toy closet, that is....). And Bendy though he may have been, this Captain America figure was my pride and joy. I remember watching the Marvel Comics animated cartoons clutching this figure in my little hand, giddy with glee as those echoing voices sang the Captain America theme song: "When Captain America throws his mighty shield Then those who oppose his [something] shield must yield..." Great stuff, even if some of it is lost to the hazy mists of memory-gone. I guess I was pretty easy to please as a kid, since I loved the Marvel tv cartoons as well -- though calling them "animated" is really going out on a limb. As I remember, the voices and sound effects were great, but the animations were, well, non-existent. It was more like they cut out a panel from a comic and moved the *camera* to simulate motion. I saw a couple of episodes many years later and just had to cringe at the rampant awfulness of the visuals. And the songs, oh, the songs -- let's see, there was one about Tony Stark and his sex appeal (I kid you not), one about the "Ever-lovin' Hulk," and probably one about Thor as well. I think each program closed with the anthem of the "Merry Marvel Marching Society," music by Irv Forbush, lyrics by Stan Lee (are you scared yet?) and I was a devotee. But I'm getting away from the focus of this week's words. The simple bendy. BENDY, VIDI, VICI Cap wasn't the only bendy I had. I had a Major Matt Mason, and two or three of the wonderful, long-forgotten Colorforms Outer Space Men. (Though made by Colorforms, these were most definitely *not* like the rest of the Colorforms pantheon -- totally flat, monochromatic cut-outs that stuck to glossy prefab settings -- they were Action Figures! I guess you could say the Outer Space Men were to the rest of Colorforms what normal animated cartoons are to those very first Merry Marvel "animations." But I digress again....) Bendies were great! You could have them battle and *really* get in close, wrapping their limbs around each other in what was either a death-struggle or a prelude to ecstacy (depending on your outlook, and age, I guess). You could hook their feet around edges and bars and have them hang and swing, make their arms grasp wires, or sticks, pretty much anything. Bendies definitely had their advantages. Now, I know that in today's post-modern, seen-it-all-twice world, the bendy is a bit of a joke, but with the right expectations, and needs, bendies aren't bad at all. I mean, look at Gumby -- Gumby only *works* as a bendy (well, unless you fashion one out of green clay). A stiff, jointed-Gumby would be just plain silly. BAS-COMIC-RELIEF Alright, let's get to the dark, pulsing heart of the matter. Gumby excepted, most of the time, at least today, bendies look, well, hmmm, what's the technical term? Oh yeah, "stupid." It's as if the manufacturers are *trying* to make them look bad. Consider, for instance, the Star Wars bendies, which more than one rtm-er has spared many more than one poor little kid from getting from more than one pair of well-meaning but ignorant grandparents. Okay, so they look pretty flat (the bendies, not the grandparents). And the detail is poor at best. Didja ever consider that a little-enough kid might actually *like* a bendy? I know, it's a horrifying thought. But it just _might_ be true, at least in some isolated cases. Oh, sure, years later the kid would be tearing her hair out thinking, "I coulda had the Dagobah Luke *jointed* figure with the extra-dark armpit stains and real Aramis cologne, but no, grandpa hadda get me Just-Got- Rolled-Over-By-An-Imperial-Steamroller Admiral Ackbar...." Ahh, youth. Or consider the WildCATs bendies, perhaps the worst-looking example of the genre known to toykind. I mean, that poor Badrock looks like it had all the air sucked out of it by some marauding Tick villain. And the detail -- hmmm, *what* detail? As I said, it really seems as if the manufacturers are *trying* to design bendies that make the onlooker retch. Hey, maybe it's an action feature -- after all, we do live in a world where "Smell My Gack" is a viable product... Maybe it's just nostalgia operating at full force, but I don't remember my old bendies as being quite so...two- dimensional. The Captain America is loooooonnnng gone, having fallen victim to the scourge of even the best-made bendies: kinder-amputation. You know, where its owner's enthusiasm and playfulness just goes way past fun and into the realm of, well, disfigurement. One fateful afternoon, my bendy Super-Soldier was swinging back his good right arm to throw a battle-stopping punch at his nefarious foe (one of my sister's Barbies, if I recall, brainwashed by the Red Skull and sent in to save the day for Nazi-kind) when tragedy struck: the arm swung forward, and forward, and forward...until it was on the other side of the room. And to my utter horror, Cap was left with little more than a bare wire sticking out of his shoulder. Medic! MEDIC!!!! GENTLE BENDY But alas, no M.A.S.H. unit, real or enfigured, could save poor Steve Rogers from this villainy. No, his time as a super- hero was done. Time to play taps, inscribe the gold watch, lower the flag to half-mast. Captain America could fight evil no more. There was laughter in Berlin, in the Yellow Claw's Sky-Dragon, in the Kremlin and even in some parts of Greenwich Village. He was a good soldier, and gave his all for his Country.... What's that? Oh, okay. He was a good soldier who gave his right arm for his country, and would have given a lot more had he not been relegated to the trash bin beneath the kitchen window. Fade to black. THE BENDY IS DEAD; LONG LIVE THE BENDY! But the saying is true: You can't keep a good rubber figure skeletoned with wire filaments down. (Though you might want to.) Though Captain America died the real bendy-death, the bendy lives on. Why, even today, some of my best figures are bendies.... ...alright, maybe not "best." Though it's all relative, even a bendy-phile from way back like me can't make much of an argument that the bendy Violator is a better figure than the well-painted, well-articulated, my-horn-doesn't-look-like-it-was- stuck-on-with-tape Violator II. Ahhh, but what's "better?" I mean, sure, the Violator II blows his little bendy brother out of the lava when it comes to pure appearance, but there's more to a figure than petty surface appeal. The bendy Violator is, well, a bendy! And if his sculpt makes the casual viewer think that this Phlebaic sibling has a baaaaad case of anorexia, so be it. He's evil so articulate he could give William F. Buckley a run for his money. Just try to pose the Violator II in a menacing way. Hell, just try to get him to stand up! Ha. Can't do it, can you? But the *bendy* Violator holds his own! (He could hold yours as well, but this is a *family* column, after all). BENDIES, REST AND MOTION Sigh. Look, I know I'm fighting an uphill battle here. Why? Because sculpt as you will, there is an inherent problem with bendies that all the wishing in the world won't elude: they get in their own way. I mean, if you make a bendy with a realistic (and I use that word with my tongue thrust firmly into my cheek) superhero physique, in most cases its own muscles will preclude significant poseability. I mean, it's all well and good for me to hope for a *bendy* Reed Richards (I mean, c'mon; what WAS ToyBiz thinking with their "oooh, arms that stretch a quarter of an inch" Reed? Puh-lease....), or Plastic Man, or even Jimmy Olsen on drugs, but a bendy Hulk just wouldn't be able to *move*. All the other figures would gather 'round and make fun of him: "Hey, Hulk, what time is it? Can't even see your own watch, can you...." (In fact, remembering back to the unfortunate live- action Hulk tv series, I believe Lou Ferrigno actually suffered from this very same ailment). It just wouldn't be pretty. But maybe there *is* some sort of compromise position. Maybe the toy-powers-that-be could improve the sculpting a bit, enough to make a new generation of bendies that wouldn't look like they belong on the eaves of some museum in Washington, D.C. And then we'd have figures for whom the word "poseability" would begin to actually fit.... GET BENT! I mean, besides the various super-supple stretchy heroes, the advantages of bendy-dom could benefit a bunch of figures. Look at the recent, much-maligned Medusa. Instead of the stiff "spinnin' wheel, got to go 'round" hair, imagine if they'd made her with a few well-positioned _bendy_ tresses! Or a WildCATs Warblade, with bendy fingers? How about a Hercules Hydra monster with bendy heads/necks? (Actually, since I've been unwilling to fork over the ten bucks for these poorly-colored figures, I'm not even sure they aren't *already* bendies. And while we're on monsters, I've noted before that I give it even-money that the upcoming McFarlane Toys Sansker figure will have what amounts to a bendy tail, if only to allow posing and balance....) Ahh, forget it. We'd probably end up with a thousand "Bendy Batman" variations, Wolverine with Bendy Claws and Whiskers, and dozens of Spawn figures, each with a different *single* bendy limb variation. We're probably better off as things are. Besides, I gotta run. My Violator II just fell over again....
Comments? Drop me a line....