Welcome to the ToyMania archive for "John Gersten's Action Figure Column." These archive pages were created to memorialize the action figure news and commentary pieces John wrote from early 1996 through 1997, during which period they were posted weekly to the rec.toys.misc newsgroup and, once it was created, to the rec.toys-action-figures newsgroup (thereafter superceded by the rec.toys.action-figures.discuss newsgroup -- as if it weren't confusing enough already....).
And as John once wrote, "since I believe that all journalists should make their biases as clear as possible (and we all have them), here are mine: I am pro-toy. I am anti-scalper. And I am obviously insane, for spending this much time thinking about, searching for, and writing about toys -- at the childlike age of 36. Go, er, figure...."
(Note: If this is your first visit, let me recommend "Stalking the Wild Cy-Gor" as a good starting point. From there, you're on your own....<grin>)
July 1997
June 1997
May 1997
April 1997
March 1997
January 1997
December 1996
November 1996
October 1996
September 1996
August 1996
July 1996
June 1996
May 1996
April 1996
March 1996
February 1996
Okay, I'm just a friend/relative/casual passer-by -- what the heck
IS an "Action Figure," anyway?
(If long explanations set you to yawning, there's also a shorter
glossary you can peruse.)