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Star Wars Toy Display at Denver Area Mall

September 2008 - From September 1 to 7, the Westminster Mall near Denver, Colorado, will be featuring a large display of Star Wars toys and collectibles. The description from the Mall's events page is:

September 1 - 7
Star Wars Display
See an entire collection of 4-inch Star Wars toy characters and memorabilia displayed in 9-foot glass cases. See characters, creatures, and ships displayed in the chronological order they appeared in each movie. Toys from 1977-1985 displayed. Full size characters on display: Yoda, Maul, Anakin, Han in Carbonite, Jar Jar Binks, and so much more! Located at the Sears court.

We saw the exhibit on the 2nd, and it was a nice display of someone's collection. (Actually, that someone is Don Frisque, and a quick Googling shows that he has set up this exhibit a few times in the past. That's a lot of toys to set up and then re-pack!! You can read more about Don on the Greeley Tribune.)

The glass cases were 9-feet long, not 9-feet tall as you might imagine from the description. A few of the diorama scenes were a tad cramped due to the layout of the cases, but it was neat to see so many toys out of their packages. The majority of the toys on display were the modern versions, but there were a good many vintage figures as well.

If you stop by the exhibit, be sure to look for all of the 'easter eggs' in the displays, such as the ET figures in the Senate scene and Jar Jar's tongue stuck to the pod racer's engine.

In other Westminster Mall news, the Disney Store is gone. We hadn't been to that mall probably in a year, so we were happy that at least Spencer's and Hot Topic were still there.

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