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April 1: Amend the CPSIA Rally

"Handmade Toy Alliance Members to Speak at Amend the CPSIA Rally in DC on April 1st"

Stamford, CT March 26, 2009 - Members of the Handmade Toy Alliance (HTA) are scheduled to speak at the upcoming Amend the CPSIA rally in Washington DC on April 1st (www.amendtheCPSIA.com). The rally is the first of its kind to bring together the diverse constituents impacted by the unintended consequences of the new Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (2008). Included at the rally will be members of Congress and approximately 20 individual organizations, including the Handmade Toy Alliance. Cecilia Leibovitz of Montpelier, VT, Rob Wilson of Ashland, MA and Jill Chuckas of Stamford, CT will represent the HTA members presenting at the event.

The event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st from 10:00am - 11:30am at The Capital Visitors Center, Room HVC201 A&B, in Washington DC. Following the event, many attendees will meet with their Congressional members to discuss the many unintended consequences of the CPSIA and how Congress can help. For those who cannot attend the event, a live webcast of the rally will be viewable via www.amendtheCPSIA.com.

Congress has ignored the calls of thousands of small businesses, charities, parents and teachers to fix the flaws in this legislation, refusing even to hold public hearings on the problem. That's why --under the direction of Rick Woldenberg, Chairman of Educational Supply Company, Learning Resources -- business and charitable groups are organizing a fly-in, rally and Congressional briefing on Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress, provide information and bring attention to the CPSIA crisis.

Along with other children's goods industry members, the HTA has been extremely active in the planning of this event. "There's been a lot of work leading up to the rally," Rob Wilson of Challenge and Fun shares. "We've all put in countless hours, pooling our strengths and sharing our collective resources. This event will be a powerful statement to Congress that we need them to act now."

"This rally will be a culmination of so much effort on all of our parts," Jill Chuckas of Crafty Baby discussed. "HTA members have joined together as small business owners from all over the country. This is our chance to come together with other groups affected by CPSIA, share our stories and have the ear of those in position to truly help us realize a technical amendment to the CPSIA."

Cecilia Leibovitz of Craftsbury Kids stated "This is true democracy at its finest. Thousands of citizens have rallied together, working for months to change this law. We've made it to Capitol Hill, and we've made it clear that we're not going away. We will not rest until the CPSIA is amended."

The Handmade Toy Alliance is a grassroots alliance of 326 toy stores, toymakers and children's product manufacturers from across the country, who want to preserve consumer access to unique handmade toys, clothes and children's goods in the USA. They are parents, grandparents and consumers who are passionate about their businesses as well as the safety of the children in their lives. While in support of the spirit of the law, the unintended consequences of the CPSIA has motivated them to work to enact change at a federal level.

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