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bbi's Female LAPD Officer

bbi Introduces Los Angeles Police Department Collectible Figures

bbi Officer Somers

bbi's LAPD Officer Somers

Premier toy manufacturer bbi, introduces collectible action figures that accurately portray the brave law enforcement officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (L.A.P.D.). These faithfully represented male and female patrol officers have been developed with the cooperation and approval of the Los Angeles Police Protective League to ensure accuracy. The fully articulated 12-inch figures represent the heroic public servants that put their lives on the line to protect and serve the citizens of one of the largest and toughest cities in the United States. L.A.P.D. action figures come complete with current issue uniforms and weapons used by the Los Angeles Police Department. Precise attention to detail and quality make these "must-haves" for collectors.


The Los Angeles Police Department is one of the largest and most effective law enforcement agencies in the world. It is responsible for providing police service and protection to 3.4 million residents living in a 467 square mile area. L.A.P.D. officers are highly trained professionals who use a combination of professionalism and quick thinking to protect the citizens of Los Angeles.

Special Note: A portion of the sales of the bbi L.A.P.D. figures will be donated to the Los Angeles Protective League Fund for Fallen Officers.

For more information about this and other bbi action figures, visit the Blue Box Toys website at www.blueboxtoys.com

Available in specialty retail stores August 2001.

Suggested Retail Price: $24.99 USD.

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