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Learn To Fingerboard

OK, so you have all the Tech Decks (including the Pokemon Tech Decks, of course). So what do you do now? Well, you have to learn to fingerboard of course! But how do you do that? The folks at Tech Deck have you covered!

Coming soon is an instructional video tape called "Flying Fingers" that is designed to give you a step by step guide to doing all the regular skateboard tricks with your finger board. You can learn to do ollies, grinds or work the half-pipe.

The video tape features fingerboard prodigy Matt Johnson who seems to have almost supernatural control over the Tech Deck. His tricks look impossible and yet he can stick the landing nearly every single time!

The video also highlights some of the Tech Deck accessories such as Tony Hawk's Skate Park. Sure, this is a promotional video, but I'll be damned if I could figure out how some of these tricks were done before watching the tape. It's really an enjoyable little diversion. You will certainly find yourself "Ooh-ing" and "Ahh-ing" in amazement numerous times as Johnson makes his finger board obey his mental commands.

The best part about finger boarding is no need for pads or helmets and no road rash! The video should be available soon at shops where finger skate punks hang out.

[Updated 12-04-99]

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