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Grendel Gets a Hand From Its Creator

grendel_pic.jpg - 9482 BytesThe Comics Continuum reported some information on Grendel and Mage creator Matt Wagner that may be of interest to toy fans.

By now you've likely heard that the next set of Big Blast action figures from Graphitti Designs, due in 2000, features Hellboy, The Spirit and the Christine Spar incarnation of Grendel. Wagner himself is sculpting the action figure.

Wagner, evidently, is excited about flexing his sculpting muscles as he is also planning PVC sets (similar to the recent DC Direct releases) of the casts of Mage and Grendel, again handling the sculpting duties himself.

Additionally, Wagner mentions that Randy Bowen, of Bowen Designs, is sculpting a life-size Christine Spar statue.

[Updated 12-08-99]

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