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Updated Jakks Information

Jakks Pacific has shared some updated information on their upcoming releases, including the latest on RTM. Titan Tron Live Series 3 and Double Slam Series 3.

Next up in stores is a massive release of Titan Tron Series 2, Double Slam Series 2 and Smackdown Series 2. These are on their way to stores now, and should be showing up any day.

The third series for the Titan Tron Live, Smackdown and Double Slam Assortments should be showing up in early 2000. By now you have likely seen these pictures, and others, elsewhere on the Net including Jakk's own WWFFigures.net site. However, in the case of these assortments what you see won't be quite what you get, as these pictures are early prototypes and there'll be changes to several of the figures.

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Stone Cold Steve AustinChynaChris Jericho
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The RockTestBig Bossman

In the Titan Tron 3 assortment, Y2J is due for a hairstyle change as the Chris Jericho figure will be losing his topknot, and don't get too attached to that great head for The Rock, as it may change between now and release.

In the Double Slam 3 assortment (shown below) Debra will be joined by real-life boyfriend Stone Cold Steve Austin, rather than Jeff Jarrett who recently left the WWF to go over to WCW. The Undertaker and Mankind will both be sporting different outfits than shown here.

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Debra and .... (buh-bye, Double J!) Hardcore Holly and B.A. Billy Gunn
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The Undertaker and Mankind The Big Show and Test

Look for Jakks to unveil more great World Wrestling Federation product at Toy Fair 2000 coming up just around the corner in February, and Raving Toy Maniac will be there to cover the news as it happens.

[Updated 12-14-99]

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