Once Is Not Enough: The Body Returns To Toy Shelves
Jesse Ventura is making a return to toys shelves. First there was the series of 3, surprisingly well-done, 12" figures released last year. Most recently there was the release of the Jesse Ventura Little Big Head figurines from Sideshow Toy. Next year will see release of Jesse Venture Series 2 12" action figures.The first assortment had Jesse as Coach, Jesse as Navy Seal and Jesse the Governor. It's is unknown at press time what incarnations of the former pro-wrestler, current Minnesota governor will be represented in the second series. Could we see a Jesse "The Body" Ventura as wreslter? Maybe if Vince McMahon was in a good mood. Expect to see Jesse Ventura Series 2 in stores early next year. [Updated 12-16-99]