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McFarlane Toys: Marv II, Movie Maniacs And Giger, Too

marv2.jpg - 7892 Bytesmarv2_a.jpg - 8495 BytesThe Sin City Marv II Deluxe Figure, based on the final scene of Frank Miller's Sin City, will come with an electric chair, skull helmet, wiring, electrocution switch, and floor base when it arrives in comics specialty stores in February 2000.

Just revealed are three additional enhancements to this already very cool figure: when the switch is thrown, the figure will vibrate and its eyes will light up, and a voice chip will allow Marv to laugh and say, "That all you got, Pansies?"

Who says you can't have fun with capital punishment?
mct_robzombie.jpg - 6704 Bytesedward_newpic.jpg - 13448 BytesIn related news, McFarlane Toys has released images of their upcoming Edward Scissorhands and Rob Zombie figuers. Edward, based on the hauntingly beautiful Tim Burton film, is part of next fall's Movie Maniacs 3 assortment, while Rob Zombie is part of the ongoing series of music-related figures from the twistedly creative folks at McFarlane Toys and is expected in stores in Spring 2000.

John Carpenter's The Thing has been added to the Movie Maniacs 3 lineup. So far the assortment includes The Thing, Edward Scissorhands, The Fly, Snake Plissken and Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy.

McFarlane's website has announced that negotiations are under way between McFarlane Toys and famous Swiss surrealist artist H.R. Giger (best known for his designs for the original Alien film, as wells as Species. Initial plans call for McFarlane Toys to create a series of four figures based on Giger's rather unique design sense in Spring of 2001.

[Updated 12-16-99]

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