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Savage Dragon Bust

Savage Dragon Bust

When Moore Creations became Incorporated in 1994, they debuted with Clayburn Moore's Resin statue of Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon. Fast forward to 2002, after collaborating on the Savage Dragon Pewter and the Savage Dragon toys, the two artists unite efforts once again to bring you the Savage Dragon Bust.

"In publishing this impressive run on this terrific book, Erik Larsen has always shown not only that he's one heck of an artist and writer, but that he truly loves the medium. It's great to work with Erik again and I hope I can do justice to Erik's talent and dedication as well as this fantastic character and Erik's fans," says Moore.

Erik Larsen's well-known comic has been published by Image Comics for nearly ten years. In that time, Savage Dragon has evolved tremendously. As a police officer with special powers, the Savage Dragon was originally hired by the Chicago police department to handle increasing problems with super-powered criminals. He later went on to become a bounty hunter, a government operative, and the hero of a wartorn Savage World.

The Savage Dragon Bust, sculpted by Clayburn Moore, is scheduled to ship in June.

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