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Ice Age Plush at Blockbuster

Ice Age plush toys

April 20, 2002 - Color us a bright embarrassed shade of red. Every so often, the question comes up, "hey, what happened to the Ice Age toys from JAKKS?" and quite honestly, we weren't sure.

We posted last August that JAKKS Pacific had the master toy license for the Ice Age film, and then again in February 2002 that they were making plush toys, but aside from those blips and the Burger King toy promotion, we hadn't heard a peep more about Ice Age toys.

After being asked again recently, we in turn asked the good folks at JAKKS Pacific, and learned that we had been walking past these plush toys for weeks now!

That's right, in our haste to get over to the "new releases on DVD" wall at Blockbuster, we were bypassing the toy displays (which we had previously thought were filled only with Planet of the Apes figures and Shrek toys) and missing the Ice Age plush toys.

JAKKS Pacific said that the toys have been in Blockbuster stores across the U.S. since the film's release. In addition to the Manny, Sid, and Diego pictured above, there is also a Scrat plush.

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