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KidRobot.com Reports from HK Plug In ToyCon

KidRobot.com - click for more information
image courtesy of KidRobot.com

April 20, 2002 - (Sponsor Announcement) - The Plug In Toyfair is a "Special" Toycon: a mini-expo focusing on local Hong Kong artists, designers and a few resellers. Therefore, only smaller companies and individuals are in attendance. No Medicom, Dragon or even Three Zero or Hot Toys. Only a total of fewer than 30 booths. This toy fair been quite anticipated with rumor and speculation in the local urban lifestyle press (East Touch magazine, Milk magazine). The excitement was evidenced by the line of over 100 people eagerly waiting more than an hour before the doors opened!

With no surprise, Michael Lau's crazysmiles booth immediately became the top destination inside the exhibition hall. The green-and-white striped booth was situated on the edge of the hall... CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL STORY.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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