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2nd Wave of Classic POTA

June 2002 - Diamond Select Toys, in cooperation with Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising (Fox L&M) and the popular toy manufacturer Medicom of Japan, is giving fans of the original Planet of the Apes a chance to revisit the nostalgically popular dystopian future with a second wave of four Classic Planet of the Apes Japanese Action Figures, available through Diamond Comic Distributors.

Planet of the Apes has had a tremendous impact on popular culture. Besides yielding four blockbuster sequels, the movie also inspired a live-action TV series, an animated series, a blockbuster theatrical reinvisioning by Director Tim Burton in 2001, and was the first film to spawn major licensing in the form of toys, models, comic books, games, and more.

These import action figures from Japan have never before been available in the U.S. The series contains 18 figures in all, the second wave featuring characters from the classic film series including Dr. Zaius, General Urko, Zira, and Soldier Ape. Each of these figures stands approximately 6" tall, features six points of articulation, and comes with accessories related to each character. Plus, the eye-catching blister-card packages form a large picture when placed together! Scheduled to ship in October 2002, these figures are sure to be a hit amongst fans of the film and cool action figures.

Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising, along with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, comprise the retail-oriented strategic alliance of Fox Consumer Products. A recognized industry leader, Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising licenses and markets properties worldwide on behalf of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Twentieth Television, and Fox Broadcasting Company, as well as third party lines.

Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles, LLC was founded in 1999 by sister company Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. Envisioned to create unique and exciting collectibles for children and adults alike, the company has licensed a variety of pop culture properties to be turned into merchandise. With partners such as Marvel Enterprises, Linsner.com, Goodtimes Entertainment, Classic Media, and Pioneer Video, Diamond Select produces a large range of products based on a wide variety of properties. Diamond Select Toys is headquartered in Timonium, Md. For more information, visit www.diamondselecttoys.com.

Fans can find these and other great products (including future releases in this series) based on popular classic movies at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266-4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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