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Special Forces Kubricks 5

June 2002 - Continuing the building-block style figure craze, fans can add to their collections a new Kubrick series, imported from Japan and available exclusively through Diamond Comic Distributors

Kubricks have become some of the most popular collectibles today, spawning many imitators, and the Special Forces Kubrick series is one of the most popular. Their compact size, detachable parts, and replication of some of the most popular pop-culture properties have made them a hit among collectors across the globe. And fervent fans will not want to miss out on Medicom of Japan's latest offering.

Imported from Japan, the Special Forces Series 5: Enemy's Posse Kubrick Assortment features randomly packaged Kubricks in single-figure boxes. These building block-style figures feature authentically detailed costume pieces and weaponry, replicating the look of today's modern Special Forces units and their nemeses. This Fifth series is made up chiefly of the "bad guys," and will include: East Gang (with four option parts), West Gang "A" (with three option parts), West Gang "B" (with four option parts), West Gang "C" (with three option parts), and Detachment Delta (with five option parts). Scheduled to ship in October 2002, these are sets that no fan of Kubricks will want to miss!

Fans can find these and other great import toy products at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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