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Todd McFarlane Is Going Ape!

upn_gorilla.jpg - 6945 Bytestoddwhite.jpg - 3925 BytesTodd loves his monkeys. The Cy-Gor comic may be soon cancelled, but Todd McFarlane will have plenty of apes to take his place.

United Paramount Network has contracted with Producer/Director McFarlane, creator of Spawn, and Los Angeles-based Todd McFarlane Entertainment to create an as-yet untitled live-action, sci-fi drama featuring monsters, gorillas and man.

McFarlane created the program and will serve as the executive producer andco-writer. TME President Terry Fitzgerald is the co-executive producer, and Steve Niles is the co-writer. "We've created a drama with cutting-edge visuals where we intend to keep the viewer on the edge of his seat," saidMcFarlane.

Fitzgerald said, "We are pleased to be working with the young and hard-charging UPN network. TME develops projects for a certain demographic/attitude and together we will make sure all other networks sit up and take notice."

UPN Entertainment president Tom Nunan said his primary interest is to get into business with Todd McFarlane. "He seems to understand the mind of 14-year-old kids and what would get them excited and glued to the set,"Nunan said. "I think this is going to be one of the most original shows produced for next season."

With McFarlane as the creative force behind the series could toys be far behind?

[Updated 1-14-2000]

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