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bbi 1:6 French Foreign Legion

bbi 1:6 French Foreign Legion
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September 20, 2002 - bbi, part of Blue Box Toys, introduces a new addition to their series of Elite Force 12-inch action figures, the French Foreign Legion.

The Foreign Legion currently is about 8500 strong, and is the only branch of France's armed forces to accept foreigners. Founded in 1831, the Legion has participated in France's military actions ever since, including WWI, WWII, and the Indochina War. The initial enlistment term is five years, four months of which are basic training. After three years of service, a Legionnaire can petition for French nationality. Part of the appeal of joining the Legion is the ability to join under an assumed name.

bbi's 1:6 Legionnaire is a modern version and is loaded with all the weapons and gear you've come to expect from bbi.

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