Road Warrrior Action Figure Line Offered in Previews
Diamond Comic Distributors stunned everyone when they displayed an assortment of Mad Max: Road Warrior action figures at their booth during last August's San Diego Comic Con International. No one expected to see a figure line based on a movie that's over 15 years old. But there they were!The Mad Max line is being produced by N2 Toys, and is being resolicited in the February issue of Previews (in comic shops on February 5th). There have been rumors for some time now of a possible Mad Max resurgence. Everything from an animated series, to a live-action tv series to a new feature film have been discussed as possibilities. Perhaps this line of action figures is just a precursor to more Mad Max to come? Tell will tell. For now, however, there is this assortment of very cool 6" Mad Max action figures. The lineup includes the Gyro Captain, Humongous, Wez, Mad Max and Warrior Woman. More information on this line will follow from the N2 Toys showroom at Toy Fair.  It is important to note that these figures are prototypes, and things could change before the figures are actually released. The Mad Max figure, in particular, has not been approved as of this writing. |  |  |  | [Updated 1/31/2000]