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10-inch Weapon X Statue

10-inch Weapon X Statue

December 2002 - A Diamond Select Release - from the classic storyline originally serialized in the pages of Marvel Comics Presents #73 to 84 comes this early puzzle piece in the mystery that is Logan. Before he was Wolverine... he was Weapon X.

Based on the artwork of comics legend Barry Windsor Smith, the Weapon X Statue stands approximately ten inches tall and was sculpted by Meg Stone of Art Asylum.

This is Logan as he appeared after undergoing the harrowing operations that laced his skeleton with unbreakable Adamantium metal, turning him into an unstoppable living weapons. Outfitted with a VR helmet and wired for remote control by his 'creators,' Wolverine walks naked through the snow, the head of a bear the evidence of his deadly new abilities.

But if you'd prefer to tone down the gore factor of this statue - just remove the section of the base with the bear's head.

Limited to 4,000 pieces, each statue comes with a hand-numbered, full color Certificate of Authenticity. Also available is a Special Edition (sans helmet) limited to only 500 pieces and including a hand-signed Certificate of Authenticity.

In stores in April 2003, with a suggested retail price of $160 USD for the regular version and $200 for the special edition.

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