New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store
 March 30, 2003 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
TWO TOWERS: We have received limited stock of Series 4 and 5. Gollum, Legolas, King Theoden, Sam, Moria Orc, Berserker Uruk-Hai, Grishankh, Ringwraith and Ugluk. We have recieved more 10" Sauron, series 1 Legolas with Rohan Armor, Treebeard, Horse Sets, and other items are also in stock. We should be able to restock series 3, 4, 5 in April after these sell out.
BOTCON EXCLUSIVES: We have received some stock of the Botcon Europe exclusive - Rook (repaint of Windcharger keychain) as well as the Botcon 2002 exclusive - Tap-Out (repaint of Cliffjumper keychain) Available as a set for $39.99 or singly for $24.99 each.
MARVEL STUDIOS: Blade II, Punisher, and Wolverine are all back in stock - available as a set of 3 for $94.99 or individually.
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: Prince Adam, Sy-Klone, and Martial Arts He-Man have arrived. We still have the Mekanek, Orko, and He-Man set of 3 in stock.
ROBOTECH MASTERPIECE #4: The new Max Sterling VF-1J figure has arrived and is available for $79.99 Volume #2 Ben Dixon is available for $54.99 and Volume #3 Roy Fokker is available for $79.99
DREAMWAVE: Armada comic #8 and #9 have arrived and many other Dreamwave comics, posters, and lithos are in stock.
SIDESHOW-WETA: Legolas Statue, Saruman Statue, and Nazgul Steed bust have been restocked - many other statues and busts are in stock.
ARRIVING SOON: - GI Joe Spytroops wave 2 will be here in around 2 weeks. - Transformers Devastator Bust arrives within days. - HUGE Transformer & re-issue shipment including Optimus, Sideswipe, Jazz, Prowl, Skids, Tracks, Act 10 PVC, Sixbuilder are all in transit and will arrive next week.