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Marx Toys Hires Sales Force

SEBRING, Ohio -- July 28, 2003 -- Marx Toys And Entertainment Corp. announced the roll out of a national sales force for their new product line. The sales organization is made up of a well established group of independent representative organizations across the country specializing in mass market and specialty retailers.

"Our Team is very excited about our new product line. It is one of the most exciting line of toys I have seen in my 34 years in the toy business," stated Robert LoMonaco of Marx.

Marx added, the company is very close to finalizing agreements for International distribution and representation with major retailers. The product line will be announced shortly.

About Marx Toys And Entertainment Corp.

Marx Toys And Entertainment Corp. manufactures and markets reissued collectible toys, classic games, play sets, and ride along toys. New product lines are being produced for the years to come. Marx's vintage originals are highly collectible amongst hobby enthusiasts. Marx branded toys are sold at more than 400 toy and hobby retailers across the US and has a rich history dating back to 1928. Visit them online at http://www.marxtoys.com .

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