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New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

August 7, 2003 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

PRE-ORDER NOTE: If you have pre-orders for any of the new items mentioned below they will be processed and shipped in the next day or two - thanks for your patience and we'll be in contact with you shortly!

BBTS EMAIL NOTE: We are in the process of installing a new email system and thus a bit behind on replying to emails from the past 36 hours. We should be caught up by tomorrow afternoon and the new system will help us maintain even faster response times.

SMALLEST TRANSFORMERS: A great new item from Takara - tiny versions of your favorite transformers including Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Soundwave, Sideswipe, Starscream and more! Boxes of 12 figures for $54.99 - master case of 48 available for $209.99. The Master case guarantees you'll receive all the chase figures: Skywarp, Cliffjumper, Prime's Trailer.

MICROMASTER SIXWING AND SIXTRAIN: Great new micromaster re-issues from Takara. Each box of 12 comes with 2 sets of figures - there may be a few individual repainted chase figures per box (not enough to make the full chase set however - multiple boxes & some luck are needed to make that) Sixwing was not widely available in the first production run early in 2003 and this is our only shipment of Sixtrain so don't miss out on these great figures.

US & JAPANESE ARMADA: The show accurate Japanese Tidal Wave figure has just arrived and the US versions of Maxcons Skywarp and Overload are now in stock. Also in stock are more new Japanese sets: Thrust, Blurr, Black Air Military Minicons, Space Minicons, Optimus Prime and More.

MACROSS: The new 1/48 VF-1A Low Visibility has arrived, very impressive box design and a cool new paint job for the 4th figure in the 1/48th line. We've also received more of the Yamato Strike VF-1S with armor - one of the most popular Yamato valks.

GUNDAM: The FIX line of high end action figures has been restocked - most figures including 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 are now in stock. The 1/60 Perfect Grade Wing Zero Custom has been restocked as well. The new Master Grade RX-78-4 kit is now in stock.

PALISADES - ALIEN & PREDATOR: The hefty Alien Egg Illuminated Statue and Predator Triumphant Statue have arrived. Both very impressive high quality items on the Palisades menu.



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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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