September 2003 - High Dream Corporation has unveiled new images of prototypes from their upcoming Capcom vs. SNK 2 product lines:

The first series of 12-inch action dolls will be Ryu, Ken (shown above), Iori, and Terry.
View a much larger version of the above image. (To better see the articulation. The image is 909x682, about 198k.)
View images of the other characters. (Five more images, about 257k total.)
 Goki head sculpt
The second series of 12-inch action dolls will include Goki (Akuma) and Kyo.
 Kyo head sculpt

Shown above is a sculpt for the 6-inch Iori action figure. He has been sculpted in a static pose, to help best decide where to add articulation in the final version.
© CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2001, © PLAYMORE CORPORATION. 2001 "CAPCOM VS SNK 2" is manufactured and distributed by CAPCOM CO., LTD. Under the license from PLAYMORE Corporation. SNK is a trademark of PLAYMORE Corporation
Pictures of prototype, final product may vary.