New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store
 February 25, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
HEROES OF CYBERTRON: We have just restocked our Series 4 Heroes of Cybertron sets and have also just received the first portion of our HOC Wave 5 shipment. The rest should be here later this week so we are listing them now. Series 5 includes: Optimus, Ratchet, Omega Supreme, Devastator, Megatron, and Starscream with Crown. Pre-Orders will be processed shortly for HOC 5
LORD OF THE RINGS: More Trilogy figures have arrived. Fellowship Re-Issue figures wave 1 and 2 sets have been restocked. The sets include these harder to find figures: Galadriel, Prologue Elven Warrior, Boromir, Elrond, Bilbo & Arwen. More of the single Fellowship figures have also arrived. We now have also have series 1 and 2 of the Two Towers Re-Issue figures. Wave 1 set includes: Eowyn, Helms Deep Aragorn, King Theoden in Armor, Eomer, Saruman, Crossbow Uruk-Hai and Smeagol. The Two Towers Wave 2 set includes: Gandalf the White, Gollum, Frodo with light up Sting, Helms Deep Legolas, Treebeard & Berserker Uruk Hai. Singles of some figures are also available.
VINTAGE - JAPANESE G1 & ANIMATION CELS: We've received another shipment of hard to find boxed Japanese G1 Transformers on the Vintage Menu - including: Laster, Great Shot, Dinoking, Darkwing, Cyclonus, Slugslinger, Wilder and others. Also now in stock on the Vintage menu are Japanese original Animation cels - handpainted real artwork from a variety of shows including. Beast Wars Neo, Dragonball Z, Gundam, Gaiking & More!
TRANSFORMERS: Hasbro Commemorative VII - Rodimus Prime is in stock now for $42.99, more Smallest Transformers wave 1 have arrived! Boxes of 12 and single random boxed figures are available. Also back in stock are the Japanese Keychain box of 12, Hasbro Grapple, Red Alert and Ultra Magnus. The Smallest Transformers Wave 2 will be shipping out to us sometime in March - Takara has just confirmed our order and we still have room to accept more pre-orders for boxes of 12 or cases of 48 that include all the chase figures!
SPORTS PICKS: We've received the first portion of our shipment of MLB 8 from McFarlane - We have all of the 7 figures from the series available as well as some variants. More NHL 7 figure have arrived and prices are now $9.99 on each of the normal figures. More variants have also arrive for NHL 7
TAKARA BT-06 TRACKS: Takara has released initial pictures of the 6th figure in their Binaltech line. Tracks will be released as a yellow 2004 Model Corvette. Pre Orders are also available for the BT-03 Silverstreak, BT-04 Hound, and BT-05 Mazda RX8.
MONTY PYTHON - LIFE OF BRIAN: Brian and Mandy from this classic Python movie have arrived. They are 12" figures and include a few prop items based on the movie.
ITEMS ARRIVING SOON: These items all arrive in about 1 - 3 weeks and pre-orders are still available:
- Transformers - Takara 20th Anniversary Prime - Macross 1/60 Die Cast Queadluun Rau - Macross 1/60 VF-1J with Armor (and also Armor Set Alone) - Gundam FIX 0019 - Stikfas Phantom, Hero, Villian Wave - Transformers Alternators Sideswipe & Smokescreen
NEW PRE-ORDERS: We will be listing more new pre-orders this week, including Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, and a very nice selection of new items from McFarlane. Check back later in the week on the Pre-Order menu for the complete list!