Ty To Unveil New Collectible Toy Today
Ty Inc., makers of Beanie Babies, are unveiling a new collectible toy today, June 1st, at the Mattel Children's Hospital, UCLA with proceeds from the sale going to Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Additionally, the new toy - which isn't yet available at retail - will be given away to all children currently admitted in the hospital.In 1986, Elizabeth and Paul Glaser discovered that Elizabeth and their twochildren, Ariel and Jake, were infected with HIV. At that time, most peopledidn't know that HIV/AIDS affected children differently than adults, much less that infants and children were vulnerable to infection. In an effort to save Jake's life, Elizabeth joined two friends, Susie Zeegen andSusan DeLaurentis, to create the Foundation that now bears her name. Since then, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation has raised morethan $100 million to help children with HIV/AIDS, and now other serious and life threatening diseases. A university teaching institution, the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLAenables patients to benefit from the newest pediatric research and technology.Notable programs include the nationally recognized child life/childdevelopment program, the pediatric pain management program, children's cancertreatment and research, and pediatric heart, kidney, lung and liver transplantprograms. UCLA's pediatricians treat children from neighborhoods throughoutSouthern California. Served by 130 faculty members, the institution offers afull range of care that only a leading teaching and research facility canprovide in close association with specialists in dozens of medicalspecialties. [Posted 6/01/2000]