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AFX Armies of Middle Earth Specials

Action Figure Xpress

October 15, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Action Figure Xpress is running two special offers on the Armies of Middle Earth right now:

The Lord of the Rings Pelennor Field and Shelob's Lair + FREE Figures: Buy both the Pelennor Field with Winged Nazgul Set (with Witch King and Eowyn) (regularly $29.99) and Shelob's Lair Set (with Webbed Frodo and Sam) (regularly $29.99) together and save! Plus - get one of the following Armies of Middle Earth figure sets absolutely FREE with your purchase:

The Lord of the Rings Exclusive Ambush at Weathertop Collection + FREE Figure: Less than 10% remaining! Get a free Soldiers & Scenes set or Warriors & Battle Beasts set with purchase!

Action Figure Xpress

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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