Jermaine Rogers: Dero Figures
 December 2004 - STRANGEco and Wootini will be releasing new vinyl figures in January 2005, the Dero.
The Dero are the jigris, and they have been watching you. They've always been watching:
From "The dero have a pathological hatred of anything not dero and will do anything and everything in their power to corrupt, control, and destroy what stands in their way. They have exploited other creatures, tricking them into alliances from which these creatures rarely recover. They can bend certain life forms to their will by using powerful technology at their disposal. They have formed short-lived alliances with ambitious humans such as Alexander The Great, Roman Emperor Gaius Caligula, Constantine, Genghis Khan, Rasputin, and many others... all of whom the dero discarded when they were of no more use to them."
