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eBay Tips: the eBay Toolbar

November 2004 - eBay has issued the following fact sheet to aid new users:

eBay Toolbar with Account Guard

ebay toolbar with account guard

The eBay Toolbar with Account Guard is a free tool that provides easy, quick access to eBay from the desktop, keeps track of the items a user has bid on and is watching, and sends alerts before those auctions end, so a bid can be placed.


  • Alerts
    Users get notifications right on their desktop just before an auction ends -- this could be the difference between winning and losing!
  • Simple (yet powerful) Search
    Whether users want to do a simple title search or a more extensive title & description search within a particular category, eBay Toolbar lets them do it with a single click.
  • Watch, Bid and Win
    Track items the user is watching, has bid on, and those they've won, all in one place.
  • Account Guard
    eBay Toolbar also comes with Account Guard, a new feature that helps protect eBay account information. Account Guard warns users when they are on a potentially fraudulent (spoof) Web site. It also enables users to easily report such sites to eBay for investigation.
  • Something for Everyone
    Even if a person is not a registered eBay user, she can use the eBay Toolbar to search for and find items for sale on eBay. Of course, registered eBay users can enjoy the full functionality of eBay Toolbar: search, bid and watch alerts, one-click access to frequently-used eBay pages, and more.

  • It costs nothing to place the eBay Toolbar with Account Guard on your desktop.

System Requirements:
  • eBay Toolbar is only available for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, 6.0; and Netscape Navigator 4.51 through 4.79
  • Windows 98SE, ME, NT SP3+, 2000 and XP

For more information please visit: http://pages.ebay.com/ebay_toolbar/

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